Financial Policy
For your convenience, we accept cash, check, credit cards, as well as Care Credit. We deliver the finest care at the most reasonable cost to our patients (our fees have not increased since 2014). Payment is due at the time services are rendered unless other arrangements have been made in advance. If you have questions regarding your account, please contact us at 830-895-3494.
Please remember you are fully responsible for all fees charged by this office regardless of your insurance coverage.

Bone Grafting
Over a period of time, the jawbones when missing teeth decreases in size. This often leaves a condition in which there is inadequate bone for the placement of dental implants. In these situations, these patients are not candidates for the placement of dental implants.
With bone grafting, we have the opportunity to replace bone where it is missing. This not only gives us the opportunity to place implants of proper length and width, it also gives us a chance to restore functionality and aesthetic appearance.
Bone grafting can repair implant sites with inadequate bone structure due to previous extractions, gum disease, or injuries. The bone is either obtained from a tissue bank or your own bone may be used. In addition, special membranes may be utilized that dissolve under the gum to protect the bone graft, as well as encourage bone regeneration. This is called guided bone regeneration, or guided tissue regeneration.